Course Outline
Introduction to Gradle for DevelopersCourse objectives
FundamentalsCore conceptsBuild configurationGradle WrapperCheckin questionsHands-on exercise
Plugins and TasksPluginsTasks overviewConfiguring task propertiesApplying pluginsCheckin questionsHands-on exercise
Dependency ManagementOverviewAPI vs ImplementationDependency versionVersion catalogCheckin questionsHands-on exerciseMilestone
Introduction to Gradle for Developers
5 Sections
In this training, you’ll learn how to interact with Gradle Build Tool and its basic concepts, such as executing tasks and adding dependencies. You’ll also learn how to use the Gradle Wrapper and the version catalog. This class is hands-on, so you'll spend a significant portion of the class with your hands on the keyboard, learning by doing, and working through lab exercises.
What You'll Learn:
- Core concepts when working with Gradle Build Tool.
- Layout of build configuration files.
- Interacting with Gradle Build Tool using the Gradle Wrapper.
Plugins and Tasks:
- Applying plugins to projects.
- The structure of tasks and how to execute them.
- Configuring task properties.
Dependency Management:
- How to group related dependencies into Dependency Configurations.
- Declaring dependency versions.
- Using the Version Catalog to manage dependencies across projects.
- No prior experience with Gradle Build Tool is required.
- Some experience with Java, Kotlin, Groovy, or similar languages is a bonus but not required.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
- Interact with configuration files as a developer to:
- Apply plugins
- Add new dependencies
- Manage existing dependencies
- Run tasks on projects including common ones such as build and test.
Enroll today and enhance your Gradle Build Tool skills!